Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle:
Mexican American Content Creator
Brand Ambassador
Artist | Photographer
Product Reviewer | Tester

Find me on IG
@ verymary81

For a fresh change, Discover Local. Join me on my local and travel adventures and discoveries! <3
Find awesome eats, arts, events, fashion styles, home decor styles, beauty trends and our doggies on my blog as well as wonderful current trends and products that I adore! You'll often find me showcasing and modeling makeup, fashion trends and discoveries.
I love supporting and featuring local businesses and creatives to promote awareness of our local talents.
I love sharing my FREE digital printables and occiasionally a delicious recipe! <3
Roy, our rescue dog is a huge highlight in our lives alongside our newest female furbaby family member Breezy. You'll also find me sharing doggy photographs and products that we love for our furbabies. <3
Keep checking my site weekly for blog updates.
((( <3 BLESSINGS <3 )))